Text Edit Plus 8.8

Text Edit Plus is a lightweight tool that enables users to easily create new text documents or to modify existing ones. The application is designed as an alternative to Notepad, by offering a wider set of features.

Some of the features:
-Adding date and time.
-Encode and decode text.
-Combine lines.
-Command system for extracting the desired text.
-Delete empty lines. Delete same lines. Filter lines.
-Full screen view.
-Generate e-mail list.
-Generate quick stats. Generate word list.
-Import picture as text (ASCII art). Insert numbers. Insert text into beginning or end of lines. Lowercase and uppercase conversion.
-Randomize lines. Reverse lines. Sort lines. Trim lines.
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Not flag contractions as spelling errors

Spell check flags words like "I've" and "didn't". These are perfectly good English words.
Bob Pasky, 05.05.2021, 11:35
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Delete extra blank lines, leaving one after para.

Some authors put multiple blank lines between paragraphs. I'd like the option of removing the 'extra' blank lines and only leave one blank after a paragraph. Right now, the only option is removing all blank lines.
Bob Pasky, 05.05.2021, 11:42
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change word-wrap length

I don't see any way to set the length of a line for word-wrap. Or is that only a visual effect and not actually inserting new lines in the text? What I'm really looking for is a way to reformat paragraph(s) of text to a certain maximum line...
Bob Pasky, 05.05.2021, 11:47